Dropping by for a bite to eat....
Just as Barbie sat herself down to enjoy the plastic toast in peace and quiet, a rapping at the door was heard. She slowly got up and headed for the door, only to be greeted by Ken's queer friend, Marcus letting himself in...
"Ummmm, what are you doing?" Barbie looked a him with a blank expression on her face, "I was coming as fast as I could!"
"It's fine love" as he kissed her on the cheek, "you know I always carry around a hair pin and some pliers in case you're not home..." he sang
"That's....interesting..." she mumbled under her breath...
But before she knew where she was, he was already in the cupboards, seeing if brunch was about....
"Gawd woman! You really need to do something with this cupboard! It looks like a tranny painted it - and I should know because tranny's have disgusting taste in cupboards......." he droned on.....

She waited as he continued to search the cupboard, god only knows what he was looking for. She knew he was not going to be able to keep it to himself...
"So honey, really..." he said as he sat himself down and took hold of her hand. "Are you okay?"
Well this was a turn up for the books "Ummmm..." but before she could say anymore he chimed in with "Well darl, it looks like a cat threw up on you and then you just decided to just 'go with it' and it's just so, blah"
BINGO - there it was. The shirt dress. She knew he would have to bring it up. She had tried to at least cover it over with an apron, but his beady little eyes had seen right through it.
"Yes, I know you hate this shirt dress....but I kinda felt like I had to wear it today. Something just told me to do it..."
"Well" he said matter-of-factly "you better watch out or the fashion police might come and get you for crimes against humanity!" and he laughed out loud and slapped his knee.
"Well, can I help you with something? Or are you just going to keep looking through my cupboards?" Barbie hissed at him
"Well, from the looks of that plastic toast, I think I might get brunch elsewhere" he said as he poked the toast and pulled a disgusted face...
He turned on his heels and grabbed his coat in one swift motion. Barbie sighed with relief as he headed for the door.
"Oh honey" he said as he popped his head back around the corner "Whoever or whatever told you to go with orange kitten heels should be shot. It's so last year!" and with that he skipped out the door.
Barbie did think about the heels for a moment, but it was best not to ask why this awful outfit had been put together.......
Shiiiit! I rather liked the orange kitten heels.
Really Marcus....I mean IDV. Perhaps I took some liberty with the script writing....
Rawr! You know I love the name Marcus. Does he have a friend called Sebastian.
Trannies have extremely bad taste in formica? I consider myself edumacated.
There's a missing exclamamamamation mark up there. I'll let you choose your own adventure and see where? it? belongs?
Merry Xmas! Best wishes for a happy, safe, and fantastic holiday!
Happy New Year! Orange is so last year according to MJ, so those kitten heels will have to go!
Blimey! I was just here.
Ah, well. Happy New Year, anyway.
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