Saturday, November 29, 2008

Barbie's Dream Kitchen

"Why does this have to be so hard" Skipper asks.

She's not the only one. Building this dreamhouse was becoming a freaking nightmare. It's not just deciding on what you want, but it's dealing with complete morons.

"I think I want a blue wall"....well I think I might kill you if I see one more swatch of blue or a shade thereof - who knew there were 5000 types of blue? Not me.

"Barbie, my dream toast tastes like plastic"

Well, there's a good reason for that. It is plastic and so are you.

"You're a dick, Skipper" she mumbled as she stared off into space and thought about why the hell she wore that disgusting top.


Tim said...

FIRST!!!!! Muwahahahahaha!!!!

What a … delightfully garish kitchen!

Miss Smuggersham said...

I *heart* those splashbacks. Not to mention the divine handles on your divine fridge!

So uhhh... does Francie get to come and visit and cast nasturtiams on the blue wall?

Devine Dora said...

Consider them cast....she may be in a future post. hehehehe

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Aaaargh! My eye!

I'm all for a bright, fifties style interior do, but when I come down to make my (non-plastic) toast of a morning, I don't want the kitchen to insert itself into my brain when I turn the light on.

But, having said that, it would wake me up.

It's divine, Devine Dora. Simply divine! And: Yay! You're back!